Here's just a few of the posts I've read this year that I'll want to remember...
Biscotti Brain: Swaziland:Bhventi
So much to choose from… the whole Advent series challenged me, the $8 hot dog convicted me, but Wilsonian’s Swaziland posts opened my eyes to a whole new world.
Don’t Call Me Veronica: The Problem with Indifference
I’m a contrarian… I like to do things my own way because, well, because I know better. So this post from Tony hit home and demonstrated how even the little things can make a difference.
In a year where I have been trying to figure out what holds me back, Kansas Bob provides ongoing insight and encouragement.
I think that God is amazing in the way that he uses
Faith and Family: Witness to History
I’m pretty sure Matt voted for John McCain… but his recap of Kennedy endorsing Obama back in January has stayed with me.
… it struck me at one point that he was somehow
Julie Unplugged: How Pro-Life Voters Like Me Justify an Obama Vote
Long-time Republican Julie worked tirelessly in support of Barack Obama this year. Here’s one of many well-penned essays.
The Republican party has acted as though
One Hand Clapping: Make Something Day
For my wife, Black Friday is an annual social event. I tried it one year and was back home by 6:30 – without the computer on my list. Here, Julie provides some balanced thinking on the alternative.
I like it and I don’t like it.
PoMoXian: What I Did for MKL Day
It was tough to pass up Dave’s live-blog of the Super Bowl (Go Giants), but when someone steps out of the e-world and actually does something, it’s worth a second read.
Ragamuffin Rambling: A painful, and embarassing, confession
I need to be challenged, and Steve’s hard-hitting Advent post is one I’ll need to come back to time and again.
This is my confession to you all - that I have
Sacred Vapor: Tuning In
This beautiful metaphor may be one of my favorite posts of the year.
Sublime Transitions: it is like this
With NaNcY, it’s hard to pick just one. This one captures a lot of what it means to write out in the open about our zig-zagging journeys with Christ.
i want to hear God speak to me,
Texas Chilly: Wheee!
We were created to discover. Here’s a fun reminder from Missy that we all need to be trying something new.
TSSO: When a hand of the Body is smackin’ your face…
Some people find themselves hurt in church situations… but what is one to do? Karen offers wisdom beyond her years.
I think that we have to walk in the Truth and
This Walk: No Really, WOW.
When you need a quicker-picker-upper, try this post from FLYAWAYNET.
I cannot complain. I've nothing to
We have not seen the last of post-Proposition 8 protests. Here, Ariah sees to that.
Rather, I’d challenge you to ask every homosexual