Monday, February 1, 2010

Reading Samuel and Samuel 2

Have spent the last few months with the Books of Samuel.

Here are the facts: these readings make be less excited about David, less excited about the Bible and less excited about God.

While I would prefer to leave these behind me and start something new, I feel compelled to go back to the beginning and start reading anew.

Any thoughts, guidance, resources, tips most welcome.


kc bob said...

1Sam 16:9 (I think that is the verse) speaks of God looking on the heart and not the outward appearance.. it is the only way that I think some of these David types look good :)

Anymore I try to read OT books more like a novel than a text book or an instruction manual. People in the bible are jacked up but God loved them anyway. Some of the stories are pretty strange and sometimes reflective of the cultural theology of the folks that wrote the stories.

Wading through the stories is not always easy.. sometimes I simply chunk through them trying to simply glean the big picture and the big message from them.

I wrote something here that speaks to the way that I am starting to read and understand the bible.. not that I have many answers :)

I appreciate your honest and transparent thinking in this Ed!

NCSue said...

I stumble the same way with much of the book of Numbers. I realize it's the word of God, but it's still tough sledding, and I've tried to acknowledge that. I spend most of my time with books I better understand and appreciate, and occasionally come back to the "harder stuff" to see if God is ready to enlighten me yet.