Sunday, March 16, 2008

holy week: to the full

In the days before his victorious walk to Golgatha, in the days before his death, Jesus reminded us once again that he came so that we have life. To have it to the full.

Moments before sharing with the Pharisees what has become known as the Great Commandment, he stunned the Sadducees by noting: He is not the God of the dead but of the living.

He quoted scripture: I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

But I think what Jesus also meant was, I am the God of Eileen, the God of Brian, the God of Meaghan, the God of Erin, the God of Bob, the God of Nancy, the God of TK, the God of Tracie, the God of Paul, the God of Karen, the God of Tony, the God of Pat, the God of Gary, the God of Barbara, the God of rwk, the God of John, the God of Rich, the God of you, the God of… me.


kc bob said...

Gotta wonder what it was like for His disciples hearing those words come from Jesus mouth ... I am .. God incarnate ... hard to get your head around it.

Ed G. said...
